«International Journal of Media and Information Literacy» – scientific E-journal.

E-ISSN 2500-106X

Publication frequency – once in 6 months. Issued from 2016.

1 June 05, 2024

1. Swati Agarwal, Sharmila Kayal
Mapping of Learning Efficacy Through YouTube: An Empirical Study of Media Learners in Kolkata

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2024. 9(1): 4-16.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2024.1.4CrossRef

YouTube has augmented from a platform of entertainment and information dissemination to a brilliant tool of learning and sharing knowledge. Supporting the mechanism of online education, social media became a podium where knowledge could be shared easily and interaction was possible despite the strict confinement protocols during Covid 19. Social distancing hampered the educational process and social media tried to fill the gap thereby making interactions possible between teachers and learners, and kept them connected. During this time YouTube emerged as a learning tool which facilitates understanding of concepts and expertise. This research attempts to study the utilization of YouTube for the purpose of learning. The research methodology adopted is qualitative and focussed group discussions have been conducted and analyzed to understand the usage of the platform by the learners of media and communication studies. The research substantiates the social learning theory that erudition can take place by observation of media like YouTube and acts as an aid to understanding concepts and procedures. The study delves into reasons for which media students can efficiently learn from YouTube like easy and cheap accessibility, audio-visual content, content in various languages, significant resources, and varied content. There are also reasons like poor quality of the audio-visual content, frequent advertisements and misleading content which can lead to obstruction in a pleasant experience of learning. The primary reason which emerges from the analysis for the popularity of the medium is ‘micro-learning’ which enables learning through simplification.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1717611073.pdf
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2. Arailym Beikutova, Galiya Kulzhanbekova, Sholpan Kudyarova, Azima Khamidova
The Synergy of Media and Language Literacy to Foster Kazakh Students’ Critical Thinking and Communication

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2024. 9(1): 17-29.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2024.1.17CrossRef

This paper examines the impact of incorporating media literacy practices into language instruction. The study explores a practical pedagogical approach to increase language learners’ awareness of media content and ability to recognise, resist, and respond to fake news and disinformation and guide them to become critical thinkers and effective communicators in a media-saturated world. The paper presents the integrated media literacy and language learning model as a teaching framework that guides the designing and implementing effective teaching strategies for contextual learning of the real world. During the research, we discovered that media literacy and language learning synergy can help students engage with various media forms and develop strong communication skills. The study results show that the suggested approach creates an educational environment that encourages the application of concepts to address real-world issues by analysing information, comprehending new ideas, solving problems, and making decisions. Students show significant improvement in reading and interpreting specific texts, viewing media critically, understanding and examining sources of information, and communicating their opinions and ideas using various multimedia tools. The study concludes with practical recommendations for educators implementing media literacy instruction to enhance students’ critical communication skills.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1717611124.pdf
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3. Tatiana Byundyugova, Anna Babikova, Elena Kornienko
Reducing the Managers’ Anxiety Related to the Lack of Media Literacy by Visualization Methods

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2024. 9(1): 30-39.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2024.1.30CrossRef

The visualization method applies to many scientific fields, allowing you to present information, data, objects and situations as a visual image to incorporate the information as soon as possible. The method of visualization is by and large effective in working with originally "non–visual" information. It is also valuable while representing mental processes, for example feeling and emotions, as well as social and psychological phenomena (e.g. relationships, data about other people) which are sometimes difficult to express verbally. Visualization is always based on mental activity and developed cognitive interest. Visualization in the program of psychocorrection of anxiety disorders of managers, as a psychotechnical technique, combines relaxation, concentration and the construction of an entire imaginative space – a metaverse of images. The article contains the results of a study aimed at the possibility of using a program for psychocorrection of anxiety disorders for managers under 30 years of age based on visualization. The program was tested on managers under the age of 30, who exhibited high-level personal and situational irritability, anxiety, depression, asthenia, neuroticism, and aggressiveness. All personal parameters decreased significantly after participating in the program. The study confirmed the assumption that there are differences between the manifestation of anxiety of managers younger than 30 years after a correction program based on visualization.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1717611161.pdf
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4. Azamjon Dadakhonov
Some Issues of Improving Media and Information Literacy Level Amongst the Population in Uzbekistan: A Comprehensive Analysis of Central Asian Context

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2024. 9(1): 40-51.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2024.1.40CrossRef

This research investigates the challenges associated with inadequate media and information literacy (MIL) knowledge among the population of Uzbekistan, offering a comprehensive analysis within the unique Central Asian context. Employing a case study approach, the study examines real-life instances where insufficient MIL skills have led to issues such as misinformation, digital manipulation, and limited access to reliable information. By delving into these practical scenarios, the research aims to highlight the pressing need for enhanced media literacy. The study not only identifies the problems but also proposes optimal solutions by leveraging various media channels. It explores the potential of TV programs, social media platforms, and other media campaigns as effective tools for disseminating essential MIL knowledge. Through a meticulous examination of successful interventions and their impact, the research provides practical insights into designing and implementing tailored media literacy initiatives. Furthermore, the research acknowledges the evolving nature of media landscapes and considers the influence of cultural and socio-economic factors on the effectiveness of interventions. By adopting a multi-dimensional perspective, the study seeks to offer nuanced recommendations that align with the specific needs and dynamics of the Uzbekistani population. In conclusion, this research contributes a holistic understanding of the challenges surrounding media and information literacy in Uzbekistan, substantiated by real-life cases. It not only underscores the importance of enhancing MIL skills but also presents actionable strategies, particularly through diverse media channels, to address and overcome these challenges in the Central Asian context.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1717611217.pdf
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5. Milka E. Escalera-Chávez, Felipe Pozos-Texon, Violetta S. Molchanova
Addiction to Social Networks and Its Influence on the Academic Performance of the Students: An Analysis from the Bayesian Approach

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2024. 9(1): 52-59.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2024.1.52CrossRef

Social networks are websites and applications that favor the teaching-learning process because you can communicate, share information and establish relationships between students and teachers. In this research, an estimation of the relationship between the addition to social networks and the academic performance of university students is carried out. For this, the Bayesian factor is used, in whose analysis technique it characterizes the posterior distribution and the Bayes factor is estimated, which measures the linear relationship between two variables of the scale, following a bivariate normal distribution. For this purpose, a sample of students from the Middle Zone Multidisciplinary Academic Unit of the UASLP is analyzed. The sample includes 200 students. The Social Networks The instrument is made up of three dimensions: obsession with social networks, lack of personal control in the use of social networks and excessive use of the social network. The results indicate that there is not enough evidence to say that there is a relationship between obsession with social networks, lack of personal control in the use of social networks and excessive use of social networks with academic performance, because the Bayesian Factor value is between 10 and 30.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1717611273.pdf
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6. Alexander Fedorov, Anastasia Levitskaya
Western Cinema on the Pages of the Soviet Screen Magazine: 1986–1991

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2024. 9(1): 60-116.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2024.1.60CrossRef

Based on the content analysis (in the context of the historical, socio-cultural and political situation, etc.) of the texts published during the "perestroika" period of the Soviet Screen magazine (1986–1991), the authors came to the conclusion that materials on the subject of Western cinema on this stage can be divided into the following genres: – ideologized articles emphasizing criticism of bourgeois cinema and its harmful influence on the audience (1986–1987); – articles on the history of Western cinema; – biographies and creative portraits of Western actors and directors (as a rule, with positive ratings); – interviews with Western filmmakers (as a rule, with those who came to Moscow film festivals); – reviews of Western films (here we can note a violation of the old tradition: if in 1986–1987 the magazine still often negatively evaluated some "politically harmful bourgeois" films, then later Western film production was evaluated without regard to ideological stereotypes, moreover, even received a positive interpretation films that were previously rejected for ideological reasons); – articles about international film festivals and weeks of foreign cinema in the USSR, reviews of the current repertoire of Western national cinematographies (no longer divided into "progressive" and "bourgeois" cinematography); – short informational materials about events in Western cinema (from neutral reports to "yellow" gossip).

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1717611315.pdf
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7. Maria Gagarina, Marina Ponomareva, Khvicha Kharchilava, Valentina Pulyaeva
Assessing the Readiness of Teachers to Develop the Creative Potential of Youth in the Higher Education System

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2024. 9(1): 117-129.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2024.1.117CrossRef

Modern economies and societies are undergoing constant changes in various areas. This condition is called “turbulence”. In these conditions, it is not enough for educational organizations of higher education to prepare highly specialized graduates with a sufficient amount of theoretical and practical knowledge. It is important to ensure the development of the creative potential of young people in order to teach them to adapt to constant changes and find extraordinary creative solutions to professional problems in conditions of turbulence. In this regard, it is necessary to study the degree of readiness of higher school teachers for this urgent task – the development of the creative potential of youth. The purpose of this study is to develop a methodology for assessing the readiness of teachers to develop the creative potential of young people through educational practices. After conducting a theoretical analysis, the authors took as a basis works using the Big Six (BIG 6) and CIE (Creativity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship) methods. As a result, based on a generalization of the experience previously accumulated in the global scientific community, combining approaches to the study of creativity in Pedagogy, Psychology and Economics (entrepreneurship), a questionnaire was compiled to assess the readiness of teachers of educational institutions of higher education to develop the potential of young people, including their creativity. The questionnaire involves diagnosing not only the readiness of individual teachers, in isolation from the context, but also makes it possible to take into account the quality of the educational environment and the diversity associated with the content of various academic disciplines. The questionnaire developed in this study can be used to assess the above parameters both at the level of an individual educational organization and at the regional and state level, which can further become the basis for developing recommendations for the development of the educational environment at all three levels: state, region, educational organization of higher education.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1717611523.pdf
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8. Kenzhegul Tergembay, Akmaral Mamankul, Meruyert Shukuyeva, Aitmukhanbet Yesdauletov
Media Coverage of Conflict Situations in Kazakhstan in the Early Years of Independence

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2024. 9(1): 130-141.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2024.1.130CrossRef

The article examines the coverage in the Kazakh mass media of the issues of countering terrorism and extremism at the national and international levels. The topic is relevant, since the acts of terrorism taking place in the modern world cause a public resonance and affect the security of States. Terrorism has recently been seriously disturbing the public consciousness of almost all states, and in the early 90s, after the collapse of the USSR, terrorism spread its roots to the newly formed CIS countries. Unfavorable trends began to manifest themselves in Kazakhstan. Having gained independence, the young state also found itself under the threat of extremism, and the fight against manifestations of terrorism has become a priority in ensuring the national security of the country. Therefore, they begin to actively cooperate with international organizations, becoming a member of many associations in the world and Eurasian space, whose goals include countering terrorism and extremism in the territory of the participating countries. The latest information technologies and the development of social networks contribute to the intensification of the impact of terrorism on public consciousness. This is due to the scale and nature of the recent terrorist attacks. The authors consider the issues of coverage of the manifestation of modern terrorism and, based on the conclusions and conclusions, formulate recommendations for journalists writing on the topic under consideration.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1717611569.pdf
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9. Nurdin Laugu, Muhammad Solihin Arianto, A'dillah Mustafa, Mukhlis
Correlative Effects Between Digital Literacy and Religious Authority Among Academic Communities in Indonesia

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2024. 9(1): 142-160.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2024.1.142CrossRef

This research found a dynamic orientation between digital literacy and religious authority. A quantitative approach leads the authority to influence digital literacy. In contrast, the qualitative one passes the opposite direction, i.e. the more literate to technology, the closer religious behaviour to traditional religious authority. This research discusses three important issues. Firstly, digital literacy influencing religious behaviour illustrates the awareness of the importance of digital technology in religious social practices. This awareness creates the idea of the importance of technological literacy in building socio-religious practices. Secondly, the impact of digital literacy on religious authority is discovered by the development of digital literacy associated with disseminating religious knowledge on social media. However, due to their instability, social media platforms cannot be used as a standard for authorizing religious sources. Consequently, some referred to traditional sources. Lastly, the dynamics of religious authority investigate the constellation of dialectical processes that refer to standard terminology in religious practices. Those processes have led to a big question about the actuality of religious authority in society. The actuality of the dominant religious authority tends to lead to technology in practice, but the conceptual point of the authority is in the conventional realm.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1717611620.pdf
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10. Galina Mikhaleva, Irina Chelysheva
Representation of Family and Family Upbringing in Soviet and Russian Feature Films: Quantitative and Genre Analyses

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2024. 9(1): 161-170.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2024.1.161CrossRef

Feature films about family and family ubringing have significant educational potential since they do not only convey aesthetic values but also contain moral principles and contribute to promoting a certain system of norms and ideals of family relationships and family upbringing. The article made an attempt to analyse and present the dynamics of interest in Russian fiction cinema to the theme of family and family upbringing. The chosen research perspective is due to the fact that the study of scientific findings of Russian and foreign scholars on the theme allowed us to identify a contradiction between a relatively detailed elaboration of family issues in feature films and the researchers’ insufficient attention to the statistical side of this theme. The analysis revealed that the period of maximum interest in the theme of family and family upbringing on the Soviet and Russian screens occurred between 1992 and 2020 when 167 feature films were released on the country’s screens (about 36 % of the total number of films on this theme). In the second place is the period of the so-called “stagnation” era (1969–1985) when 150 films were created in 16 years (33 %). The same period leads in the average annual number of feature films made about family and family upbringing (about 9 films released annually). A significant decrease in the number of feature films about family and family upbringing was noted during perestroika (1986-–1991) which was associated with a general decrease in film production in Russia during this historical period. In terms of genre, in the period from 1920 to 2020, family feature films were dominated by dramas – 188 films (41 %), melodramas – 144 films (31 %), and comedies – 91 (20 %). As for other genres, their number on the country’s screens was only 1 %. At the same time, the dominant film genres in different periods were supplemented by other genres such as biography, thriller, action, fantasy, and musical. The number of children’s films and fairy tales created by Russian filmmakers that were focused on family and family upbringing was 33 films (7 %). The theme of family and family upbringing has always found an active response in Russian feature films of various genres. The transformation of ideas about family and its values is closely related to the socio-cultural context, political and ideological changes occurring in society at different stages of development.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1717611789.pdf
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11. Andrei Novikov, Danila Zakharov
Western Cinema on the Pages of the Soviet Screen Magazine (1969–1985): Biographies and Portraits of Western Actors and Directors

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2024. 9(1): 171-194.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2024.1.171CrossRef

Based on content analysis (in the context of the historical, socio-cultural and political situation, etc.) of texts published during the “stagnant” period of the Soviet Screen magazine (1969–1985), the authors came to the conclusion that the principle of choosing cinematic personalities to paint portraits of Western actors and directors in 1969–1985 remained stable in the Soviet Screen. This magazine readily wrote about “progressive filmmakers” who went unnoticed in negative statements against the USSR and participation in anti-Soviet films. Especially if these filmmakers came to the Moscow International Festival and spoke positively about the Soviet Union. One of the favorite subjects of the Soviet Screen within the framework of foreign themes is Western actors as “victims of Hollywood”, evidence of the “tragedy of the artist in the bourgeois world.” But if any of the famous Western actors was involved in the creation of anti-Soviet films and/or films “glorifying the American military,” the magazine could strike him with “heavy artillery” on its pages. However, there were many less politicized articles about Western actors on the pages of the magazine. As for interviews with Western filmmakers, as in previous years, the Soviet Screen magazine selected interlocutors from among the most “progressive artists.” For example, among American filmmakers, the first place was given to Stanley Kramer. The progressive political position was also emphasized in interviews with Sydney Pollack, Norman Jewison, Ellen Burstyn, Jessica Lange and other Western directors and actors. In general, during the period 1969–1985, the ideological positions of the Soviet Screen magazine remained unchanged.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1717611904.pdf
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12. Nana Sutikna, Sri Pangestuti, Nuryanti, Sekar Diva Parasdya
Adolescent Media Literacy in Social Media Utilization

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2024. 9(1): 195-202.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2024.1.195CrossRef

World communication media is now increasingly diversified and widespread, especially communication media connected to the internet such as social media. This phenomenon also occurs in Indonesia. Indonesia, as a developing country, is reported to have the majority of teenagers using social media. Teenagers will quickly be affected by negative impacts if they are not equipped with media literacy skills, especially considering the rapid flow of information circulating on social media. This research looks at the condition of digital literacy in rural Indonesia, namely Banyumas Regency, Sumbang District, and Gandatapa Village in Central Java Province. The Gandatapa Youth Village teenagers who took part in this research came from a variety of different backgrounds, both in their educational and economic levels. This research data was collected through focus group discussions (FGD) and in-depth interviews with key informants in Gandatapa Village, Sumbang District, Banyumas. Based on the findings, the young generation in Gandatapa Village has a high level of digital literacy. This is demonstrated by their ability to search for information according to what they want, the ability to analyze reference sources, and being able to evaluate whether the information is true or a hoax, as well as distributing content that suits their needs on social media.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1718012128.pdf
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13. Ayse Asli Sezgin Buyukalaca
Gaps in Media Literacy Education in Turkey and Case Study on a Sample Project Implementation from the USA

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2024. 9(1): 203-217.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2024.1.203CrossRef

This research aims to evaluate the current status of initiatives launched in the early 2000s in Turkey aimed at media literacy education. This evaluation focuses on the position of Media Literacy courses within the curriculum at different levels of education. Another study objective is to draw attention to the significant gap in this field while examining the policies and practices developed for media literacy education in Turkey. Following the assessment of Turkey, research on media literacy education in the United States has been summarized.In this research, conducted using the case study method, the project titled ML3: Librarians as Leaders for Media Literacy in New York Public Schools, initiated as part of Project Look Sharp (PLS) at Ithaca College, has been examined as a case example. Within the scope of the case study, discussions were held with the implementers of this exemplary project, direct participation was ensured in project workshops, records of various meetings related to the project were transcribed, and data were collected from media content related to the project. The aim was to provide an in-depth understanding of qualitative case study analysis. The researcher endeavors to build a model by evaluating the outcomes derived from the identified situation.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1717611983.pdf
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14. Shazia Shahab Shaikh, Jamilah Ahmad HJ
Impact of Digitalization on Undergrads Entrepreneurs Performance in Sindh, Pakistan

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2024. 9(1): 218-233.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2024.1.218CrossRef

Digitalization is an advanced platform of success for undergrad entrepreneurs. This study aims to explore the impact of social media on undergrad entrepreneur’s performance. The paradigm of the technology acceptance model was adapted and modified in this study. A self-administered questionnaire was employed. The sample of the study was three public universities, the University of Karachi, the University of Sindh, and the Institute of Business Administration of Sindh, Pakistan. The data was collected from 1st January 2023 to 31st January 2023. The total 278 respondents were analyzed while using Partial Least Squares, Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). According to the results, the variables; student entrepreneurs’ ability, and perceived usefulness have a significantly positive p<0.05 impact on student entrepreneurs' performance. The results of the study indicated social media play a vital role in the development of young entrepreneurs. Hence, government and non-government organizations play a vital role in fostering online entrepreneurship. This study would support more effective entrepreneurial programs and promote business among students. A similar study can be applied in other universities of the world.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1717612048.pdf
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15. Phuong Vi Thi, Adamkolo Mohammed Ibrahim
Digital-Megastory in Online Journalism: The Prevailing Situation of Digital Transformation of Journalism in Vietnam

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2024. 9(1): 234-246.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2024.1.234CrossRef

This qualitative research study investigates the phenomenon of Digital-Megastory and its role in the digital transformation of journalism in Vietnam. The study utilises in-depth interviews with 35 Vietnamese online journalists to explore their perspectives on the adoption of Digital-Megastory formats and the overall impact of digital transformation on journalism practices in the country. The research design involves purposive sampling to select 35 online journalists from various media organisations and backgrounds, ensuring a diverse representation of the online journalism landscape in Vietnam. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to gain insights into the journalists’ experiences, challenges, and opportunities in integrating Digital-Megastory into their reporting practices. Through thematic analysis, key themes emerged, shedding light on the role of Digital-Megastory in engaging audiences and fostering interactive storytelling experiences. Participants highlighted the benefits of using multimedia elements, such as videos, infographics, and social media integration, to enhance the depth and breadth of news coverage. The findings also reveal the influence of digital transformation on the newsroom workflow, with journalists adapting to real-time reporting demands and employing data-driven storytelling techniques. The research underscores the importance of equipping journalists with multimedia skills, ethical guidelines, and strategies to navigate the challenges posed by the digital revolution.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1717612097.pdf
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16. Aleksandr Yefanov, Maksim Pugachev
Media Educational Potential of the Television Industry in Improving Media Literacy of Broad Audience

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2024. 9(1): 247-259.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2024.1.247CrossRef

Media educational potential of the television industry in improving media literacy of broad audience is represented in the article. The complex of theoretical and empirical methods such as: modeling; case-study; classification; design; testing (n=276) is used. The conclusion is made according to the results of the study, that is media educational potential of the television industry in improving media literacy of broad audience is mostly laid in the opportunity of modern television channels to make an off-air interaction with real audience (realizing it in on-line and off-line spaces), thus attracting the audience. Using of media educational potential of the television industry in improving media literacy of broad audience increases confidence to television channels and also makes the television content more demanding and competitive. That is the reason why media educational potential of the television industry in improving media literacy of broad audience is interpreted as a special model of media culture development of modern neo-information society, based on principals of media responsible approach (according to media ethnic rules and standards) to realization of media communications by all actors of media space – media producers and media consumers (taking into account the combination of these media roles in modern sociocultural realities).

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1717612400.pdf
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17. Alexandr Zimovets, Olesya Sinichenko, Anna Khanina
Travel-Blogs and Content Features for Blogs about Travel

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2024. 9(1): 260-268.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2024.1.260CrossRef

Tourism and travel are one of the most popular topics for blog readers on the Internet. Some people watch travelers because they are unable to travel to distant countries on their own, while others, on the contrary, choose a place to travel based on reviews from bloggers and their recommendations. Travel blogs have become a real mainstream in journalism and the blogging sphere, and the development of social networks only contributes to the further spread of blogs and bloggers. However, the content that bloggers create does not always become popular. The main types of content that travel bloggers use are videos, hash tags, and text comments. The most popular type of content for the travel category is videos, however, the dynamic development of the blogging sphere, the blocking of some social networks on the territory of the Russian Federation forces travel bloggers to constantly change content and adapt to the current situation in the world. In this research, the authors analyze the concept of a Travel-blog and its difference from travel journalism, provide a detailed analysis of the platforms on which travelers publish their content, as well as the features of creating content for travel blogs.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1717612441.pdf
Number of views: 60      Download in PDF

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URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1718012164.pdf
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