«International Journal of Media and Information Literacy» – scientific E-journal.

E-ISSN 2500-106X

Publication frequency – once in 6 months. Issued from 2016.

1 June 28, 2023

1. Tatiana Byundyugova, Anna Babikova, Elena Kornienko
Visualization in the Context of Motivation Development Within the Framework of Corporate Training

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2023. 8(1): 4-13.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2023.1.4CrossRef

The current stage of socio-economic development is characterized by the use of information and digital technologies in all spheres of human activity. The processes of production, exchange and consumption of goods, including knowledge and information, have changed. Intellectualization and digitalization of production systems are the main trends of economic development, which are supported in many countries. The functioning space of any organization is now increasingly facing difficulties in processing a large amount of data and new information to maintain competitiveness at the proper level. Employees’ cognitive skills are also being transformed. According to our surveys, it is more difficult for employees to focus and keep their attention on all incoming information, process and analyze large amounts of data, present compressed data in reports so as to briefly and quickly explain the essence. Also, employees tend to experience stress because they do not have time to master new skills necessary for work. This is especially felt by representatives of creative professions (designers), as well as marketers, programmers, etc. Moreover, the modern volume of data should not just be perceived by employees, but analyzed, understood and used in work. All this leads to an increase in the volume of corporate training, which is not always of high quality and often includes traditional forms in the form of lectures, seminars. In the current situation, it is necessary to apply new approaches, techniques and methods to the education system at different levels in order to develop students' skills that are in demand in a modern technological environment. Modern educational practice is more effective when it uses visualization.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1687956341.pdf
Number of views: 150      Download in PDF

2. Alexander Fedorov
Theoretical Concepts of Film Studies in Cinema Art Journal: 1969–1985

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2023. 8(1): 14-60.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2023.1.14CrossRef

Authors’ analysis of film studies concepts (in the context of the sociocultural and political situation, etc.) of the existence of the Cinema Art during the period of "stagnation" (1969–1985) showed that theoretical works on cinematic subjects during this period can be divided into the following types: - theoretical articles written in support of the resolutions of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee on culture (including – cinematography), still defending the inviolability of socialist realism and Communist party in cinematography (V. Baskakov, A. Dubrovin, S. Freilich, A. Karaganov, I. Lisakovsky, L. Mamatova, V. Murian, V. Tolstykh, I. Weisfeld, R. Yurenev, V. Zhdan, etc.) - Theoretical articles balancing ideological and professional approaches to cinema (S. Freilikh, E. Levin, K. Razlogov, I. Weisfeld, R. Yurenev, etc.); - theoretical articles, discussions devoted mainly to professional problems: analysis of the theoretical heritage of the classics of Soviet cinema, directing, film dramaturgy, genres, the specifics of television, etc. (L. Anninsky, M. Bleiman, Y. Bogomolov, Y. Khanyutin, L. Kozlov, E. Levin, A. Tarkovsky, V. Shklovsky, A. Vartanov, I. Weisfeld, M. Yampolsky, M. Zak, and others); - theoretical articles calling on the authorities to provide organizational transformations that would promote the intensive development of film studies as a science, the sociology of cinema, and film education (I. Weisfeld, E. Weizman, etc.). - theoretical articles opposing bourgeois influences, contrasting them with communist ideology and class approaches (V. Baskakov, L. Melville, M. Shaternikova, V. Shestakov, etc.). On the whole, the Cinema Art journal in 1969–1985, just as during the Thaw, was still within the typical model of a Soviet journal for the humanities, which, despite significant concessions to censorship and those in power, at least half of its total text tried to preserve its ability to engage in artistic analysis of the film process (unfortunately, this did not allow it even in minimal doses to criticize the flaws in the works of the most "bosses" influential Soviet screen artists of the time). The journal was unable to maintain the thaw that was still strong even in the late 1960s and found itself largely in the ideological rut of Leonid Brezhnev's peak, although, paying tribute to Soviet propaganda, the journal was able to afford "in some narrow plazas" to publish meaningful discussions and important theoretical works.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1687957102.pdf
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3. Renate Selma Hilaby, Ahmad Maulidizen, Muhammad Azwar
The Effect of Perception and Usability on E-reader User Satisfaction: A Case Study on Autobase Twitter @literarybase

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2023. 8(1): 61-73.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2023.1.61CrossRef

Although it sparked a lot of attention from the media and the public at the beginning of its release in 1998, even today's e-reader devices do not automatically beat the popularity of printed books. It is due to the inability of e-readers to provide responsive features, and there are still many book fans who are happy with their own experience of reading printed books. This study aims to analyze how perception and usability affect e-reader user satisfaction. The population in this study are followers of Autobase Twitter @literarybase. This study uses non-probability sampling with a purposive sampling technique. The sample chosen is people who have had the experience of reading a book using an e-reader device. Conducted The research with quantitative methods using data from 132 respondents through the distribution of questionnaires with a Likert scale as primary data. The test uses a data instrument, correlation coefficient, classical assumption test, and multiple linear regression test. The real test is done with SPSS software. The results showed that each variable, Perception (X1) and Usability (X2), had the same effect, either partially or jointly, on the Consumer Satisfaction variable (Y). The conclusion shows readers do not have problems with old stereotypes and perceptions about reading activities that e-reader devices cannot present. The absence of a distinctive fragrance, attractive cover, page-turning activity, and many other things closely related to printed books did not eliminate the pleasure of respondents when using the e-reader device. Readers also view usability on e-reader devices as good performance, both in terms of features, navigation, and device responsiveness.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1693245785.pdf
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4. Asma Houichi, Anfal Khadidja Dekhil
The Role of Social Networking Sites in Transforming the Algerian Society: From a Francophone to an Anglophone Society

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2023. 8(1): 74-85.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2023.1.74CrossRef

Algeria is characterized by Arabic-French bilingualism for more than six decades due to the historical factor. However, with the emergence of social media that relies more on English as a worldwide language and its abusive use by Algerian teenagers who are willing to build international relations with foreigners in the virtual setting, the use of the French language has decreased though it is the first official foreign language. Therefore, the current paper aims at investigating the impact of social media on increasing English and decreasing French, the fact that causes a sociolinguistic adjustment. To do that, mixed method research using online observation as the first research tool in addition to an online questionnaire and an interview through the Zoom platform were employed. The participants of the study were 112 Algerian teenagers for the online questionnaire and 10 interviewees. The final findings demonstrated that Algerian teenagers showed positive attitudes towards English language use and developing their skills through social media due to its global value. Moreover, English has even the potential to substitute the French language.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1687957195.pdf
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5. Adamkolo Mohammed Ibrahim, Hajara Umar Sanda, Phuong Vi Thi
Motivating Factors of User Intention toward Social Television Use: Conceptual Model Development

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2023. 8(1): 86-98.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2023.1.86CrossRef

Despite social TV is still a new research concept, modest advances have been made though mostly in Western contexts with little attention being given to motivating factors of multiscreen social TV system use intentions. This article aims to close this literature void though not by focusing on the development of non-Western literature mainly but by focusing on augmenting the body of existing literature in multiscreen social TV system use intentions. To achieve this objective, past and existing literature both in Western and non-Western contexts was critically reviewed. A three-dimension (independent variable, mediating variable, and dependent variable) conceptual model was designed, based on the reviewed literature, with six constructs as independent variables namely: usability, sociability, social presence, multi-modality, user-generated content, and hedonism) theorised to be mediated by ‘attitude’ and behavioural intention is theorised as the dependent variable. The article concludes that the motivating factors of multiscreening social TV system use intention have not been exhaustively identified yet and multisreening is a complex social phenomenon that requires holistic research to understand deeper. Therefore, further empirical research is needed to provide further evidence-based understanding of the factors that motivate people to intend to go multiscreening while watching TV.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1687957496.pdf
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6. Sheherbano Khan, Muzammil Saeed
Crazy Girls: Female Delinquency in Pakistani Movies

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2023. 8(1): 99-105.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2023.1.99CrossRef

Scholars have argued that films are being widely used as a source of entertainment and cultural communication in this modern world. No doubt, COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted film industry, but it has also increased digital mobility of content across borders to the large audience through sophisticated online media services. Now, through the production of content for streaming services this powerful medium of storytelling has become the center of attraction for global population to introduce new trends in a society. These trends effectively empower society particularly women empowerment is significant through this medium, however, regardless of their advantages, films produced also exhibit negative factors against cultural and societal norms. This study is based on the quantitative content analysis of six Pakistani films on aired in last decade during 2015 to 2019 to identify the frequency and evidence between films and female delinquency. Content was analyzed under three categories, dressing, language, and behavior, about female lead and female support characters. Data resulting from this analysis reveals diversity in female characters according to the culture and status. But, in nutshell, portrayals of female lead and female young support characters were not with accordance to the Pakistani culture.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1687957731.pdf
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7. Sergey Korkonosenko, Zalina Khubetcova
National-Cultural Determination of the Journalism Studies Evolution

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2023. 8(1): 106-113.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2023.1.106CrossRef

The authors aim to trace how the evolution of the journalism studies took place under the impact of social and cultural factors. The article examines the processes of institutionalization of this field of knowledge in the world, in particular in Germany and the USA. The research community from Russia takes an active part in international academic cooperation, but its experience is characterized by a clear national and cultural identity. To reveal this specificity, the authors focus on the oldest Russian school of journalism that has developed at St. Petersburg University. Since its foundation, it has gravitated towards the classical university model typical of Russian higher education, which nevertheless organically combines with applied training. In this respect, the Petersburg school differs from a number of precedents in other countries, where pragmatic education is cultivated on the basis of communication methodology in science. The article presents the stages of formation and the current state of the school, shows the determining influence on it of national traditions in science and the dynamic social environment, describes the effective practice of project organization of research work. The results of projects are embodied in the ongoing series of monographs "Petersburg School of Journalism and Mass Communications".

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1687957773.pdf
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8. Andrii E. Lebid, Vitalii V. Stepanov, Mykola S. Nazarov
Use of the OSINT-Technologies for Civil Society Institutions

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2023. 8(1): 114-121.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2023.1.114CrossRef

The article shows that the use of open data provides new opportunities for improving life and economic growth in communities. Their effective use helps the community to develop, build dialogue and make informed decisions. Data systematization is the basis for monitoring and quality planning at the community level. It has been proven that open data complicates manipulation of the community budget and brings reputational dividends. The asset accounting system is an integral part of automating the processes of collecting, recording, updating and using data on property and other objects of the community. Activists use technology to make authorities more transparent and accountable. The authors are convinced that open data has naturally reduced the number of requests for public information from city councils, which eases the burden on local authorities and has a sustainable economic effect. Open data also increases the investment attractiveness of regions. Businesses invest only based on analytics and monitoring of community indicators. Open budget helps to make a choice, as it is a key source of data on the state of the community's financial affairs. Open data can be used not only to monitor the actions of the authorities, but also to make management decisions. The published data can be used for further community development planning. Platforms and applications based on open data can improve services in the community. And it does not always require additional resources. To do this, you should first research the market for open data-based tools: what has already been developed and what can be scaled up in your community for free. In this context, we believe that OSINT technologies are an important tool for monitoring and control, as they help to increase the level of information and media literacy of local residents, as well as their resilience. The importance of using OSINT-technologies and tools for citizens' access to public information, open data and effective citizen participation in communities is shown.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1687957827.pdf
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9. Anastasia Levitskaya, Elena Kornienko, Andrei Novikov
Western Cinematography on the Pages of the Soviet Screen Magazine: 1928–1930

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2023. 8(1): 122-144.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2023.1.122CrossRef

Despite the sharp power struggle that continued throughout 1928–1930 in the top Power of the USSR (this time the so-called “right deviation” in the Communist party was being liquidated), the situation in the cinema and in the press became the subject of close attention. Former “formalistic” liberties and relative creative freedom gradually began to disappear under the pressure of ideological censorship. In particular, cinema, film distribution and the press became the field of the communist struggle against bourgeois propaganda, entertainment, formalism. And here, a severe ideological and administrative blow was dealt to the Teakinopechat publishing house, headed by V. Uspensky (1880–1929), who in the second half of 1928 – early 1929 was also the editor of the Soviet Screen. A number of meetings were also held to strengthen control over the cinema and the press. All these events could not but affect the overall situation in Soviet Screen: its pages from 1925 to 1930 saw a gradual and consistent decrease in the number of articles about Western cinema, which eventually led to an almost tenfold decrease in this kind of texts in 1930 relative to 1925. The reasons for this decline in the volume of magazine articles on Western cinema are mainly related to the ideological and administrative struggle of the Soviets against Western influence in all spheres of culture, which intensified sharply by the end of the 1920s. Based on the content analysis of texts published in the Soviet Screen magazine from 1928 to 1930, this article highlights the following main genres and trends within the framework of topics related to Western cinema: - articles sharply criticizing the policy in the field of distribution of foreign films in USSR and the harmful influence of Western cinema on Soviet viewers; - biographies and creative portraits of Western actors and directors, which were already published in much smaller volumes compared to the period of 1925–1927 and were more ideologized; - reviews of Western films (also kept to a minimum and with a greater critical focus); - reviews of Western national cinematographies, which on the whole give a very negative assessment of the film process in leading Western countries; - articles about Western newsreels, where criticism of the bourgeois system and cinema in general was also intensified; - articles about foreign film technology, studios and cinemas (perhaps the only section of the magazine that still retained an ideologically neutral presentation of facts and calls to adopt foreign technical experience, for example, in the field of sound films); - short informational materials about events in foreign cinema (which, in contrast to 1925–1927, were already deprived of neutrality and photos of Hollywood stars, but were presented in a feuilleton and revealing manner).

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1687960090.pdf
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10. Ibtesam Mazahir, Yuyun Wahyu Izzati Surya, Safeena Yaseen, Junaid Ansari
Exploring the Image of Indonesia in International News Media through a Comparative Analysis of Leading News Websites from the World

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2023. 8(1): 145-167.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2023.1.145CrossRef

The media’s role in shaping public opinion is evident through several studies done on the subject previously. Media also tends to influence audiences’ perceptions and the country’s image. The purpose of this study is to explore the portrayal of Indonesia in international news media. This study examines the identification of the Indonesian image as depicted by the international community (the international news media’s perspective is chosen for this case). Comparative content analysis is performed to examine three international news websites to study the perception of the world towards Indonesia. Findings reveal that Indonesian Politics is the most mentioned topic portrayed by the media in three countries followed by Indonesian State Actors as the most quoted source of information. Similar patterns were found while framing news about Indonesian image in Qatar and United States. Both countries portrayed Indonesia with a negative valence while Singapore portrayed Indonesia more positively and neutrally. This research potentially contributes to providing an overview of Indonesian image in foreign countries to actors responsible for national branding or Public Diplomacy in general. In future, this research can be used to develop the concept of nation branding or Public Diplomacy strategy, especially towards the United States, Qatar, and Singapore. Finally, recommendations for future studies on suitable national branding practices for Indonesia are suggested in this study.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1687957953.pdf
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11. Olga Pechinkina, Tatiana Vepreva
Information Literacy in Learning Academic Writing

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2023. 8(1): 168-177.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2023.1.168CrossRef

Nowadays information literacy is an indispensable competence as information is ubiquitous and overwhelming. This competence is required in all spheres and should be constantly improved. The article aims to pinpoint the opportunities of integrating information literacy into academic writing as the latter is one of the fundamental skills that students acquire and develop throughout most of the university courses. To achieve the goal the authors reviewed various interpretations of the term "information literacy" stated by different researchers, designed and realised assignments aimed at integrating information literacy and academic writing, carried out a preliminary analysis of the results obtained, and formulated perspectives for further research. The results proved that academic writing can not be taught without information literacy and their integration leads to a synergetic effect on the instruction. Information literacy is an integral part of bachelor, master, and PhD courses. It can be implemented in all educational forms, namely, individual, pair, group, and class activities. One of the fruitful prospects for further research is designing courses and programmes for teachers to involve them in more active information literacy integration into the educational process.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1687958060.pdf
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12. Yulia Pshenichnykh, Irina Novi
Digital Skills Research for Tourism and Hospitality Staff

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2023. 8(1): 178-190.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2023.1.178CrossRef

There is a fundamental change in business processes in many areas of the economy including the tourism and hospitality industry in nowadays conditions of widespread digital transformation. The COVID 19 pandemic has accelerated this process and confirmed the vital importance of digital technologies for the development of the tourism business, which are the most important tool for obtaining a competitive advantage for tourism enterprises. These changes increase the need for the formation of various types of digital competencies for the tourism industry. The study is aimed at identifying the skills of using digital technologies of specialists in the field of tourism and hospitality. It is implemented through a questionnaire survey of tourism professionals, which made it possible to determine the gap between current and necessary skills for mastering digital competencies in the future. The largest gap was recorded for the most advanced, but also the least necessary, according to the respondents, skills in the field of artificial intelligence, robotics, augmented and virtual reality, the creation of digital resources, the use and implementation of security procedures on the Internet. The research data shows necessary competencies and skills of employees working in tourism and hospitality industry are described, as well as promising requirements for employees of the tourism industry. The results of the study make it possible to adapt the curricula of educational programs in the areas of "Tourism", "Hospitality", "Service" in order to increase the level of mastery of these competencies, provide an opportunity for more efficient employment of future graduates, and also improve career prospects in the field of tourism.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1687958104.pdf
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13. Ida Rosida, Tuty Handayani
Women, Gossip, and Film: Social and Cultural Construction on Women's Behavioral Engagement in Gossiping

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2023. 8(1): 191-203.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2023.1.191CrossRef

This article discusses women’s gossiping practices as they are presented in the films; Tilik (2018), Pitch Perfect 3 (2017), and Emma (2020). This paper aims to show how social and cultural construction has constructed women as gossipers and affected their gender and cultural identity. The method used is qualitative and applies the concept of gender and cultural identity. The result shows that women’s behavioral engagement in gossiping has addressed them as gossipers. The three films represent how religious tenet doesn't have a relation to Indonesian Muslim women's gossiping. The films also revealed that historically, since the 18th century, gossipers have attached to women's appropriate behavior and have nothing to do with social status; both Upper and Middleclass women are gossiping. The films strengthened the idea that gossiping practice is appropriate for women and inappropriate for men. These films bring women's representation as gossipers and carry out the negative stereotype for them. This behavior is considered negative as the topic discussed is cursing others, spreading negative information, humiliating people, and somehow ruining other’s people reputations. When a society believes and internalizes that women are gossipers then it becomes their gender identity and at the same time affects their cultural identity.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1687958143.pdf
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14. Josefina C. Santana, Aylin del Rosario Lagunes Hernández, Violetta S. Molchanova, Odette Narcisa Lagunes Hernández
Parents’ Role in the Virtual Education of Elementary Education Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2023. 8(1): 204-217.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2023.1.204CrossRef

Parental involvement is an important element in children’s education, especially during their first years of schooling. Parents’ participation in school activities has a beneficial impact on their children’s academic performance, behavior and social skills. The aim of this research is to determine the role that parents played in the virtual teaching process of elementary school students during the Covid-19 health contingency, as classes moved online. This empirical study is based on a non-experimental cross-sectional investigation, in which parents (N = 249) from two elementary level academic institutions participated. A 36-item scale designed by Valdés, Martín and Sánchéz (2009) was used. For data analysis, EFA with polychoric matrices and descriptive statistics were used. The findings show an underlying structure of five factors that explain 69.76 % of the variance, with an acceptable absolute fit, structural fit, and parsimony in all goodness-of-fit statistics. The five factors are communication with the school, communication with the child, knowledge of the school, attendance, and help with tasks. The results imply that parent involvement was crucial during emergency remote teaching, especially in regard to maintaining communication among all stakeholders: parents, students, teachers, and school authorities. Though parents report struggling with school activites during emergency remote teaching, they felt satisfied with the quality of services received. Practical implications would be to open and maintain channels of communications among stakeholders.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1687958203.pdf
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15. Anna S. Slavko, Vladyslava M. Zavhorodnia, Sergey I. Degtyarev
Freedom оf Expression under Martial Law

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2023. 8(1): 218-227.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2023.1.218CrossRef

The article examines realizing the right to freedom of expression under martial law conditions. The authors analyze the concept, content, and guarantee of the right to freedom of expression within national and international legal orders. In particular, the guarantees right to freedom of expression are considered. The study explicitly focuses on how the constitutions of various countries determine the conditions for restricting freedom of expression. Most national constitutions consider the right to freedom of expression as a relative right that may be subject to interference to protect national security, the privacy of individuals, the authority of justice, the protection of commercial property, etc. In the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) case law, at least such elements of freedom of expression are highlighted: freedom to adhere to views; freedom to disseminate information and ideas; freedom to receive information and ideas; freedom of the press; freedom of radio and television broadcasting. The ECtHR’s approaches to derogation are studied. The ECtHR`s jurisprudence contains several cases related to limiting freedom of expression during the derogation. The authors argue that despite security threats, the ECtHR believes that without dialogue within society, a democratic process is impossible. Therefore, imposing disproportionate restrictions on freedom of expression violates Art. 10 of the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (hereinafter ECHR or Convention). Criteria for determining the proportionality (a necessity in a democratic society) of interference with freedom of expression under martial law can be: the sphere of social relations to which the information belongs; the primary source of information; credibility of information; consequences of dissemination of information; the subject of information dissemination; method of dissemination of information.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1687958258.pdf
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16. Yaroslav Slutskyi, Ellina Panasenko, Svitlana Kurinna, Iurii Shcherbiak
Social, Psychological, Professional and Academic Features of the Use of Social Media in the Activities of Higher Education Institutions

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2023. 8(1): 228-239.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2023.1.228CrossRef

In addition to being an important part of modern public consciousness, social media are seen as the basis of information and educational activities in higher education institutions. However, social media have not only social and academic, but also psychological impact (which is important for foreign students during the acculturation process). Furthermore, the Article states that certain social media (e.g. LinkedIn) contribute to the formation of professional and academic directions because they provide interaction with the teaching staff of an educational institution. Thus, the issue of the practical application of social media by universities as part of their activities is relevant. This allowed us to formulate the purpose of our study, i.e. the theoretical substantiation of social, psychological, professional and academic features and analysis of the practice of using social media in the activities of universities in Ukraine (V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University) and the US (New York University). The Article outlines the criteria for selecting countries and universities for the study as well as the methods used such as analysis (when studying the practical application and concept of social media content), synthesis (to aggregate the data obtained and interpret the Outcome (Competencies) category) and statistical method (aimed at working with information and digital data). Having analysed the content of social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Telegram, YouTube, LinkedIn, TikTok, we concluded that the Content category is represented in the selected universities by materials of an informational, socio-educational and lecture nature. It should be emphasised that professional video content of New York University is more effective due to its thematic diversity. In turn, the Outcome (Competencies) category is determined by the professional development of students, building emotional and psychological resilience when adapting to a new social or social and cultural (for foreign students) environment.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1687958323.pdf
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17. Marina Tselykh
Polish Cinema: From History to Modernity

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2023. 8(1): 240-245.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2023.1.240CrossRef

Today, Russian-Polish relations cannot be called warm or friendly, although there have been periods of constructive and mutually beneficial cooperation between Moscow and Warsaw in history. Under these conditions, it is important not to slide down to the level of denying or “cancelling” the culture of other countries and peoples... An excellent example of such a thoughtful, deep, professional analysis is the book by film critic Alexander Fedorov “Polish Album: Movies Notes”, which reveals the theme of Polish cinematography and its reflection in the mirror of Soviet and Russian film criticism. This book continues the series of film studies publications by Professor Alexander Fedorov on Soviet and foreign cinematography. Some of these books have already been talked about in the film and media press, and some of them have won awards from the Guild of Film Critics and Film Critics. The material of this book might be of interest for higher-school teachers, students, graduate students, researchers, film critics, cinema scholars, journalists, as well as for the wide range of readers who are interested in the history of cinema art, problems of cinema, film criticism and film sociology. In connection with the publication of the monograph Alexander Fedorov gave an interview to Professor Marina Tselykh.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1687958356.pdf
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18. Irina Volkova, Xiaoting Chen, Marina Shilina
Gender Social Media Marketing: the Female Dimension in China

International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2023. 8(1): 246-254.
DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2023.1.246CrossRef

With the rise of women's voices and changing consumer attitudes in the new digital era, gender social media marketing is becoming a problem area for researcher, and the features of gender marketing is constantly being questioned. The aim of the study is to reveal the presence of gender marketing in Chinese social media in three aspects: cognitive, emotional, and behavioral, and determine the gender marketing in the current context by means of a questionnaire survey (N = 142, 2022). The results show that Chinese women are relatively supportive of gender marketing. Gender social media marketing based on correctly capturing women's emotional appeal usually further triggers positive emotional resonance among women, which in turn can have a positive effect on promoting consumer behavior. This study argues that the impact of gender marketing on Chinese audiences at the cognitive level is reflected in their attention to marketing activities; at the affective level, it is reflected in their attitudes and empathy towards marketing content; and at the behavioral level, it is the behaviors of searching, purchasing, or disseminating relevant content. The study demonstrates that gender marketing on Chinese social media generates interest and positive emotional resonance among female consumers, thereby contributing to their purchase decisions.

URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1687958642.pdf
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URL: https://ijmil.cherkasgu.press/journals_n/1693245809.pdf
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